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الأحد، 5 ديسمبر 2010

انتقل الآن الى الشكل الجديد للصفحه الشخصية على الفيسبوك

أعلن موقع الفيسبوك الشهير اليوم عن تحديث جديد تم تطبيقه على الصفحات الشخصية profile pages ويمكن لأي عضو الإنتقال إليه من الآن ، وجاء هذا التحديث ليسهل عملية عرض المعلومات عن الشخص صاحب الصفحه لتعرض بياناته على شكل سيره ذاتيه بحيث تم تحسين طريقة العرض وتفاصيلها.
1- نبذه سريعة عنك : يعطي الشكل الجديد نبذه سريعة عنك وكأنه يحكي سيرتك الذاتيه باختصار شديد مثل الوظيفة ، محل الإقامة ، دراستك في أي جامعه أو مدرسة ، تاريخ ميلادك واللغات التتي تتحدث بها. وكذالك يقوم بعرض عدد من الصور (5 صور) لتعطي للزائر معلومات عنك بشكل كافي (معلومات شخصية + صور).
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2- مجموعاتك الشخصية : بإمكانك الآن تجميع مجموعه من الأصدقاء تحت مسمى أو مجموعه تقوم بإنشائها لمشاركتها رابط أو رساله معينه.
3- خبرات ومشاريع عملك :
يمكنك الآن مشاركة أصدقائك وأصدقاء العمل بأحدث المشاريع التي تعمل بها في الشركه.
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والمزيد من التعديلات مثل تعديل حجم الصفحه الشخصية لتكون بعرض أفضل ، ونقل بعض الروابط من صفحة الـ feeds  الى الصفحه الشخصية مثل امكانية عمل Poke  وظهور الأشخاص التي تم التبادل معهم.
ولكن يريد التجربة العملية وبدء تطبيق هذا النظان فكل ما عليك هو التوجه الى الرابط :  www.facebook.com/about/profile والضغط على Upgrade

فيديو من انتاج الفيس بوك يعرض التحديث الأخيره:

نسخة ويندوز اكس بي اصلى genuin winxp sp3

نسخة ويندوز اكس بي اصلى genuine win xp sp3

Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) build 5512 was released to manufacturing on
April 21, 2008, and Microsoft planned to make it available to the general
public on April 29, 2008 via Windows Update and the Microsoft Download Center.
However, due to a compatibility issue with Microsoft Dynamics Retail
Management System, the release of Windows XP Service Pack 3 was delayed.
A feature set overview has been posted by Microsoft and details new features
available separately as standalone updates to Windows XP, as well as features
back ported from Windows Vista, such as black hole router detection, Network
Access Protection, and Windows Imaging Component. Microsoft is reporting that
over 1,000 fixes have been packed into SP3 along with some performance
improvements as well. Internet Explorer 7 is not included as part of SP3 .

ملاحظة :
- الوندوز غير معدل ، ولا يحتاج لتنشيط .

روابط التحميل :

تخلص من نجمة الويندوز الزرقاء " بدون برامج "

تخلص من نجمة الويندوز الزرقاء " بدون برامج "

مشكلة Genuine النجمة الزرقاء (النسخة غير الاصلية الويندوز xp )

تظهر هذه النجمة الزرقاء بجانب الساعة

هناك مشكلة تظهر عند البعض وهي مشكلة النجمة الزرقاء

التي تبين بان الويندوز مستنسخ وليس اصلي

وهذا الحل ان شاء الله يفيد بدون برامج للتخلص من النجمه الزرقاء او (Genuine)

افتح القائمة ابدأ start

تشغيل run

واكتب فيها regedit

وأضغط موافق ok

سوف يفتح عندك محرر تسجيل النظام الريجستري

وفيه المفاتيح الأساسية للنظام

أذهب إلى القائم الأساسية وأختار تحرير edit

ومنه اختار بحث search

اكتب في مكان الكتابة OOBETimer

واضغط البحث عن التالي searchfor next

وحين يجد هذه القيمة ستكون على شكل ايقونة زرقاء

اكبس عليها مرتين فتفتح لك مربع تحرير القيمة

ابحث عن القيمة FF وامسحها واكتب بدلاً

منها 00 يعني صفرين

انقر موافق ثم أخرج من البرنامج عن طريق اشارة ال x

الأن انقر أبدأ واذهب الى تشغيل run

والصق هناك الأمر التالي :


C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a

أضغط موافق ok

تظهر لك شاشة خيارات تنشيط ويندوز

اختر نعم أريد مكالمة مندوب العملاء من أجل تنشيط


أو Activate by telephone

انقر التالي

تظهر لك صفحة جديدة

أنقر على زر تغيير مفتاح المنتج أو

ChangeProduct ***

اكتب هذا المفتاح لتسجيل النسخة

bqb7t-3c4ff-393qd-rf3w4-gbrq3 )

ثم انقر تحديث ثم اخرج من البرنامج

بعد هيدي العملية لازم تعيد تشغيل الكومبيوتر

ومن اجل تتأكد تم تحديث نسختك الويندوز
انقر ابدأ واذهب الى تشغيل run
والصق هناك الأمر التالي :
C:\WINDOWS\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
واكملت الطريقة والحمد لله زالت النجمة الزرقاء وعاد الوينوز واصبح اصلي
والف مبروك لقد حصلت على نسخة اصلية للويندوز

هل تعانى بطى الجهاز الحل هنا!!!

هل تعانى بطى الجهاز الحل هنا!!!اتبع الخطوات التالية
1- من قائمة start اضغط كليك شمال ثم RUN
2- اكتب الامر prefetch ثم تظهر لك هذه الملفات ثم تظلل عليها كلها ثم تمسح
3-ثم مرة اخرى من قائمة start اضغط كليك شمال ثم RUN ثم نكتب الامر Recent
ثم تظهر لك هذه الملفات ثم تظلل عليها كلها ثم تمسح
4- ثم مرة اخرى من قائمة start اضغط كليك شمال ثم RUN ثم نكتب الامر %tmp%
ثم تظهر لك هذه الملفات ثم تظلل عليها كلها ثم تمسح
وارجو ان اكون قد وفقت في توصيل المعلومة والفائدة

وانتظر ردودكم!! انا مجربها شخصيا ومن غير برامج ولاشى!!

Free software Download


Free GPS Mapping Software for Garmin and Magellan GPS devices. OkMap is a comprehensive software for many outdoor activities, that you can use for Trekking, Sailing, Mountain bike, Off road, Hunting and fishing, Finding mushrooms, Soft air, Geocaching.
OkMap can also interface Google Maps and Google Earth. With Google Maps you can get portions of maps immediately available in OkMap. With Google Earth you can view your paths and your maps also in 3D.

Features :
  • Calibrate raster maps with different types of cartographic projections
  • Create own digital maps drawing points, multipoints, polylines and polygons
  • Display simultaneously raster and vectorial maps
  • Import vectorial data with different types of cartographic projections
  • Use raster and vectorial maps as background for navigation
  • Create and manage waypoints, routes and tracks in GPX format
  • Download, save and automatically georeference maps from Google Maps
  • Automatic determination of road paths (autorouting)
  • Determination of coordinates from street addresses (geocoding) and viceversa
  • Use digital terrain models to display the elevation
  • Upload and download data to and from a GPS device
  • Navigate in real time with a GPS device through NMEA protocol
  • Display Google Earth and Google Maps in current map location
  • Exchange data with Google Earth and view your map in 3D
  • Find nearby cache in geocaching.com web site
  • Exchange data with gpsgate.com server
  • Receive customized navigation data from remote GPS devices
  • Send the current position to an OkMap remote server
  • Make conversions between different types of coordinates, datums, formats, etc..
  • Use a handy calculator for your calculations
Supported formats :
  • Images: ecw, bmp, gif, jpg, png, tif and many others
  • Maps: gfw, jgw, pgw, tfw, bpw (Drg maps); ecw (Earth Resource Mapping); map (OziExplorer); gmi (GpsTuner)
  • Vectorial data: shp, dbf (Esri shape file); dcw (Digital Chart of World)
  • GPS data: gpx (GPS Exchange Format); kml (Keyhole Markup Language); wpt, plt, rte (OziExplorer); loc (Geocaching) and many others formats thanks to the software GpsBabel
  • DEM data (digital earth model): hgt (SRTM-1 e SRTM-3)
Supported Gps devices :
  • Upload/download through GpsBabel: Garmin and Magellan
  • NMEA navigation: all GPS devices that support Nmea 0183 protocol
System Requirements :
  • Microsoft Windows XP or higher
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
  • Microsoft Visual J# 2.0
Publisher : Visit Website



BabelFish, developed by AltaVista, is a powerful translation service that is one of the most valuable online tools available today. The BabelFish translation service is great for users that wish to translate or communicate with non-english speaking or bilingual customers. BabelFish allows for the translation of words, phrases or even entire websites with 75 supported languages.
It also comes loaded with a leading dictionary, spelling and definition package. Use this simple and intuitive translation software to translate words, webpages or document formats such as Word, PDF and text.

Features :
  • Simple and intuitive combination of a one-click translation
  • Translate any language into any one of our 75 supported languages
  • Translate entire web pages and blogs
  • Translate full document formats such as Word, PDF and text
  • An editing package featuring a leading dictionary, spelling and definition package
Publisher : Visit Website


Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

mwb antimlwre
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is an easy-to-use, simple, and effective anti-malware application. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware can detect and remove malware that even the most well known anti-virus and anti-malware applications fail to detect.

Features :
  • Support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7 (32-bit and 64-bit).
  • Light speed quick scanning.
  • Ability to perform full scans for all drives.
  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Protection Module. (requires registration)
  • Database updates released daily.
  • Quarantine to hold threats and restore them at your convenience.
  • Ignore list for both the scanner and Protection Module.
  • Settings to enhance your Malwarebytes Anti-Malware performance.
  • A small list of extra utilities to help remove malware manually.
  • Multi-lingual support.
  • Works together with other anti-malware utilities.
  • Command line support for quick scanning.
  • Context menu integration to scan files on demand.
Note : The free version does not include realtime protection, scheduled scanning, and scheduled updating.
Publisher : Visit Website



PDF OCR is based on OCR technology to convert scanned PDF paper books and documents into editable electronic text files fast and easily. PDF OCR has a build-in text editor which allows you to edit ocr result text without MS Word. PDF OCR also supports batch mode to OCR all pages of pdf file to text at a time.

Features :
  • Convert Scanned PDF To Text, PDF OCR Converts Scanned PDF To Text, then you can edit or use the PDF content.
  • Easy To Use, PDF OCR Converts PDF To Text Within 3 Clicks.
  • OCR PDF Fast, PDF OCR will processes 10+ pages in 45 seconds.
  • Build-in Text Editor, PDF OCR has a build-in text editor which allows you to edit the ocr result text without MS Word or WordPad.
  • 3 PDF OCR Mode, PDF OCR supports 3 PDF OCR mode, single page, page range and All page ocr(batch).
  • 10+ Languages Supported, Besides English, PDF OCR Also supports German, French, Spanish, Italian and many Languages else.
Publisher : Visit Website


Duplicate and Same Files Searcher

Duplicate & Same Files Searcher (Duplicate Searcher) is an software for looking duplicate files (clones) and NTFS hard links to the same file. It searches duplicate file contents regardless of file name (true byte-to-byte comparison is used).
This program allows to remove duplicate files or to move them to another place, but to replace duplicates with NTFS hard links as well (unique!).

Features :
  • Fast search results (byte-to-byte comparison and hard link detection algorithm are used)
  • In depth visualisation of duplicate files, NTFS hard links and junction points (unique!).
  • Displays fragmentation of files (unique!).
  • Shows compressed NTFS files in color.
  • Manual and filtered selection files to delete, move or replace with NTFS hard links.
  • Allows to move and delete files.
  • Allows to replace files with NTFS hard links (unique!).
  • Allows to compress files on NTFS volumes.
  • Allows selecting disks and folders to scan.
Requires: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.
Publisher : Visit Website


USB Safeguard

USB Safeguard is a portable software program to encrypt and protect data with a password on your removable pen drives using the AES 256 bits encryption.
Simply drag and drop files and folders to quickly protect your sensitive documents, and then enter an password to encrypt and decrypt the files that you want to protect from prying eyes.
Not only encrypts your files, it also has “Safe Internet Browsing” option to surf safe on web and removes all Internet traces like URL history, typed URLs, typed passwords in web forms and etc. Built in file shredder - i.e. wiping the contents of the original pre-encrypted file, and more.

Your data is secure while the drive it is out and about with you in an Internet cafe´s or at work.
Features :
  • Runs with any usb pen drive
  • No installation required
  • Easy drag & drop file adding
  • Built in file shredder
  • Secure your data if drive is lost
  • Supports FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file system
  • 100% portable
Publisher : Visit Website


Comodo BackUp

Comodo BackUp is suitable for both beginners and experienced users alike and is completely free of charge. Features of free Backup Software include complete file and folder duplication to local, network and virtual drives as well as FTP servers and removable storage devices like USB fobs. The software also features backup synchronization; e-mail reporting; extensive history logs; advanced rule-based filtering; encryption and password protection; flexible scheduling of backups; space-saving archiving capabilities and more.

Features :
  • Protect yourself against ever losing those critical files that took hours to create
  • Easily backup files or folders anywhere on your computer, network or FTP server
  • Security measures include password protection and data encryption
  • Quickly restore backed up data with a few mouse clicks
  • Fully featured scheduler allows you to run backups at a time that suits you
  • Send E-mail notifications to team members about the status of a backup job
  • Multiple compression options allow you to save disk space
  • Step-by-step wizards take even novice users through the entire configuration process
  • One-click backup of important items like email accounts and Windows registry
Publisher : Visit Website


AVG LinkScanner

AVG LinkScanner provides an advanced layer of security against fast-moving, invisible web threats, and hacked web sites. It verifies the safety of web pages you visit, and of links returned from web searches (Google, Yahoo! and MSN), so you know how safe/unsafe a page is at the time you attempt to click on it.
AVG LinkScanner is already part of all of AVG´s award-winning security products, protecting 80m people Worldwide. Now it’s available on its own to run alongside your current anti-virus software and provide an additional, invisible layer of protection that lets you search and surf safely.

Features :
  • Real-time scanning of links you click on, so you can be sure you are protected from the latest hacked or exploited websites.
  • Emphasis on analysis of each web page you visit instead of the web site.
  • Automatic upgrades whenever the threat intelligence network finds a new threat.
Publisher : Visit Website

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